Increase Your Cash Flow With a Merchant Cash Advance
Any business that receives payments with credit cards could feel financially strapped at times. At First National Capital Advisors, we want to help alleviate that stress. If you have merchant accounts that reach up to $200,000, we offer a merchant cash advance against it. This goes for any location you are in business. Whether you accept Discover, MasterCard, Visa, American Express or all four, we can help you increase your cash flow against future purchases.
Some benefits of this financing solution include:
- There are no application fees, closing costs, lost equity or fixed payments.
- Payback is easy and stress-free.
- You typically have the funds in as little as one week.
Using the Cash Advance
There’s not just one thing you can use your merchant cash advance for. If your business could benefit from an increased inventory, go ahead and use the cash to boost it. If you are considering the expansion of the building, use the money for that. Advertising, employee bonuses and pretty much whatever you see fit to improve business is what the cash can be used for.