Getting a financial lender to approve a loan for your business can seem like climbing a mountain. It may feel that you can only reach the top if you have the right collateral, a great credit rating or a solid business history. However, not every retailer is going to fulfill these requirements. Some may be

Accounts receivable unpaid money used for goods or services rendered. In other words, accounts receivable is credit extended to a company by a merchant. However, unlike traditional forms of credit, accounts receivable usually have a shorter time frame for payment of the entire balance. Any company able to extend accounts receivables to another business should

When you partner with a trusted source for your financing needs you get more than just a loan.  We provide our customers with outstanding support through all phases of the lending process.  Even if we are unable to secure the financing you need, we stand with our customers in providing expert advice on other options

In a rapidly changing technical world, you never know when your medical equipment will suddenly become yesterday’s news. It doesn’t help that tight budgets and economic downturns can make you put off buying new equipment, making your existing tech fall further behind, plus you have government regulations that your equipment must meet. To solve your

It’s an unfair reality that many good businesses with steady clientele continue to struggle with cash flow. Just because you provide a quality service or product doesn’t mean accounts will be received in a timely fashion, and this can lead to serious problems with working capital. If you’re waiting on clients to settle their fees

Hard money loans are a great tool to have in your property investing kit. Funded by private investors and secured by real estate that you already own or are purchasing, a hard money loan is a short term loan. Payments of the loan are usually interest only with a balloon payment at the end of

You’re looking at a site that’s ready for a big transformation. The flat ground, gravel and sporadic weeds will soon become a place that only the mind’s eye can see. As your imagination sees how this new structure will fit into the surrounding landscape, you think of its potential to do good for the community.

Buying into the right franchise can be the best decision for a new business owner. If you have the perfect franchise in mind, the hardest part might just be securing the funding you need to get your new business started. Fortunately, there are a number of lending options that can provide franchise financing. Here are

You’ve seen the shows on television. Someone purchases a run-down home for a small amount of money, renovates it and resells it for double or more. If you are a creative thinker with a knack for home improvement, fixing and flipping homes may be an industry that interests you. Now more than ever, it is

You’ve seen the shows on television. Someone purchases a run-down home for a small amount of money, renovates it and resells it for double or more. If you are a creative thinker with a knack for home improvement, fixing and flipping homes may be an industry that interests you. Now more than ever, it is