Stay in Business With Consumer Finance Options

When it comes to your customers, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to offer financing to them so you can stay in business. At First National Capital Advisors, we offer the solutions to help you do that. Our consumer finance options help you increase your bottom line by avoiding any loss of sales. If you sell services or products for a cost less than $10,000, you are the perfect candidate for this financing solution. Whether we purchase revolving credit agreements or buy a portfolio of loans you already have, it makes staying in business much easier.

The Benefits of Financing Your Consumers

When you turn to us for consumer finance, there are many benefits you’ll experience.

Some of the most important include:

  • Our ability to finance a variety of industries – This includes medical, retail, membership, jewelry, vocational, security, dental and a multitude of others.
  • Our willingness to collect all portfolios – Even if the debt portfolio is bad, we’ll collect it to help you stay ahead.
  • Our ability to finance low Fico scores – If you have previously had to turn consumers away because of their low Fico scores, chances are we will be able to finance them.
  • Your instant success – In most cases, credit processing is immediate, and so is approval. This gives you the go-ahead to increase sales instantly.

Getting Started

To learn more about consumer finance, contact First National Capital Advisors today. We look forward to helping you get started.